1/17 Lynx 3D實體投影解剖顯微鏡 體驗說明會
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時間:1/17 (四) 15:00 ~ 16:00
地點:育成中心大會議室(北市南港區園區街3號 F棟17樓)
尚博生物科技公司 & 南港生技育成中心 敬邀
12.Louis vuitton on February 12,replica handbags outlet 1821 was born in a small hermes replica handbags village in France, father is a forest near the woodcutter, born in a poor family. Parents have no money to buy him a louis vuitton replica handbags toy plane and chisel with his childhood, he grew up in woodworking. At the age of 14 he went to Paris alone, walking more than 400 kilometers, walk for several days. His dream is to earn money at that time have a good life, so again painstakingly again tired also not afraid.
快來體驗Lynx 3D實體投影解剖顯微鏡!裸視3D般的真實立體感受,適合動物實驗、細胞培養甚至幹細胞操作等精密需求,更可以直接置於無菌操作台,隔著玻璃觀察操作!
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時間:1/17 (四) 15:00 ~ 16:00
地點:育成中心大會議室(北市南港區園區街3號 F棟17樓)
尚博生物科技公司 & 南港生技育成中心 敬邀
12.Louis vuitton on February 12,replica handbags outlet 1821 was born in a small hermes replica handbags village in France, father is a forest near the woodcutter, born in a poor family. Parents have no money to buy him a louis vuitton replica handbags toy plane and chisel with his childhood, he grew up in woodworking. At the age of 14 he went to Paris alone, walking more than 400 kilometers, walk for several days. His dream is to earn money at that time have a good life, so again painstakingly again tired also not afraid.